Béatrice Garoche
Brixton / Herne Hill
SE24 0LA
020 7274 6603
Email: info@freeyourbreath.co.uk
Website: www.freeyourbreath.co.uk
Mob: 07799 672624
An article about a Rebirthing Breathwork session with me has just been published (April 2018) by London magazine Balance about Wellbeing - James Gill writes the Treatment of the Month page and this month he shares about his session with me, as his first experience with Rebirthing: http://europe.nxtbook.com/emp/Balance/BalanceApril2018/index.php#/14
I am so pleased James got so much out of his session AND was willing to share it. He sees me as a spiritual detective, how cool is this!
I have been a rebirther/breathworker since 1989. The inspiration of my life is to combine clarity, passion and simplicity. Through this work I have become a passionate dancer (salsa and tango) which has been a complete victory as I used to believe that I did not have a sense of rhythm. My intention is to inspire and support my clients for them to reconnect with their breath, their body and heart and therefore their passion in their life. Practising acceptance and compassionnate curiosity heals and transforms.
What I Offer:
In the rebirthing breathwork sessions I offer, I am passionate about contributing powerfully to someone's ongoing journey, through defined skills, tools and principles to ease and deepen the learning and letting go to improve the life experiences of the client. Each session is organically tailored to respond to what the client brings, within the framework of clear intentions set in their initial questionnaire, as well as an open mind. An invitation for some homework is given at the end of each session to integrate the feelings and the learning points of the session. A great attention is given to awareness of feelings and needs to develop effective responsible empowered communication. For testimonials from my website: http://www.freeyourbreath.co.uk/rebirthing-testimonials.html